Annona squamosa


Sugar-Apple "Kampong Mauve" grafted *

This is the most popular Anona in all tropical areas of the world. Some feature red skin, a pink flesh, and a custard like texture. Known for early fruiting, this small fruit tree is well suited to indoor culture. With the luscious flavor of sugar pudding, the fruit are enjoyed in many ways but never cooked.

Annona squamosa - Sugar Apple Kampong Muave, pomme-cannelle, Cachiman cannelle, Pomme cannelle, fruta-do-conde, pinha, Ateira, condessa, Fruta da condessa, Fruta de condessa, Fruta do conde, Fruteira de conde, Pinha da Bahia, Pinheira, anona blanca, chirimoyo, fruta del conde, Ahate, Anona, Anona blanca, Anona de Castilla, Anona de Guatemala, Chirimoya, Chirimoya verrugosa, Mocuyo, ates, atis, Kaneelappel, custard-apple, sweetsop, Seremiya, Seremaia, Heremaia, Rahmapfel, Schuppenannone, Zuckerapfel, srikaya, serikaya, buah nona, naponapo, tapotapo, tapo tapo, tapotapo, apele papalangi, seetha phalam

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Sugar-Apple "Kampong Mauve" grafted *

This is the most popular Anona in all tropical areas of the world. Some feature red skin, a pink flesh, and a custard like texture. Known for early fruiting, this small fruit tree is well suited to indoor culture. With the luscious flavor of sugar pudding, the fruit are enjoyed in many ways but never cooked.

Annona squamosa - Sugar Apple Kampong Muave, pomme-cannelle, Cachiman cannelle, Pomme cannelle, fruta-do-conde, pinha, Ateira, condessa, Fruta da condessa, Fruta de condessa, Fruta do conde, Fruteira de conde, Pinha da Bahia, Pinheira, anona blanca, chirimoyo, fruta del conde, Ahate, Anona, Anona blanca, Anona de Castilla, Anona de Guatemala, Chirimoya, Chirimoya verrugosa, Mocuyo, ates, atis, Kaneelappel, custard-apple, sweetsop, Seremiya, Seremaia, Heremaia, Rahmapfel, Schuppenannone, Zuckerapfel, srikaya, serikaya, buah nona, naponapo, tapotapo, tapo tapo, tapotapo, apele papalangi, seetha phalam

Sugar-Apple "Kampong Mauve" grafted *

This is the most popular Anona in all tropical areas of the world. Some feature red skin, a pink flesh, and a custard like texture. Known for early fruiting, this small fruit tree is well suited to indoor culture. With the luscious flavor of sugar pudding, the fruit are enjoyed in many ways but never cooked.

Annona squamosa - Sugar Apple Kampong Muave, pomme-cannelle, Cachiman cannelle, Pomme cannelle, fruta-do-conde, pinha, Ateira, condessa, Fruta da condessa, Fruta de condessa, Fruta do conde, Fruteira de conde, Pinha da Bahia, Pinheira, anona blanca, chirimoyo, fruta del conde, Ahate, Anona, Anona blanca, Anona de Castilla, Anona de Guatemala, Chirimoya, Chirimoya verrugosa, Mocuyo, ates, atis, Kaneelappel, custard-apple, sweetsop, Seremiya, Seremaia, Heremaia, Rahmapfel, Schuppenannone, Zuckerapfel, srikaya, serikaya, buah nona, naponapo, tapotapo, tapo tapo, tapotapo, apele papalangi, seetha phalam

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