Cnydoscolus chayamansa


Cnydoscolus chayamansa - also known as Chaya or Mexican Tree Spinach.

Scientific Synonyms - Cnidoscolus chayamansa

The leaves of this plant taste like spinach with a stronger flavor. Young and tender leaves must be boiled and can be used as a replacement in dishes like spinach soup and spinach dip. Research by Purdue University, Department of Horticulture shows that the chaya leaves are quite nutritious and seem to show possible antidiabetic properties. For more information please visit the Purdue University webpage about Chaya.

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Cnydoscolus chayamansa - also known as Chaya or Mexican Tree Spinach.

Scientific Synonyms - Cnidoscolus chayamansa

The leaves of this plant taste like spinach with a stronger flavor. Young and tender leaves must be boiled and can be used as a replacement in dishes like spinach soup and spinach dip. Research by Purdue University, Department of Horticulture shows that the chaya leaves are quite nutritious and seem to show possible antidiabetic properties. For more information please visit the Purdue University webpage about Chaya.

Cnydoscolus chayamansa - also known as Chaya or Mexican Tree Spinach.

Scientific Synonyms - Cnidoscolus chayamansa

The leaves of this plant taste like spinach with a stronger flavor. Young and tender leaves must be boiled and can be used as a replacement in dishes like spinach soup and spinach dip. Research by Purdue University, Department of Horticulture shows that the chaya leaves are quite nutritious and seem to show possible antidiabetic properties. For more information please visit the Purdue University webpage about Chaya.

Averrhoa carambola
Morus alba
Annona squamosa
Eugenia luschnathiana
Casimiroa tetrameria