Psidium littorale


Large yellow skinned fruits on a small tree with a dense canopy of dark green shinny leaves. Excellent flavor fresh or preserved.

Psidium littorale - also known as Strawberry Guava Longipes, Cattley guava, and Peruvian guava.

Scientific Synonyms - Psidium cattleianum, Psidium littorale var. cattleianum.

Photograph provided by Forest & Kim Starr

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Large yellow skinned fruits on a small tree with a dense canopy of dark green shinny leaves. Excellent flavor fresh or preserved.

Psidium littorale - also known as Strawberry Guava Longipes, Cattley guava, and Peruvian guava.

Scientific Synonyms - Psidium cattleianum, Psidium littorale var. cattleianum.

Photograph provided by Forest & Kim Starr

Large yellow skinned fruits on a small tree with a dense canopy of dark green shinny leaves. Excellent flavor fresh or preserved.

Psidium littorale - also known as Strawberry Guava Longipes, Cattley guava, and Peruvian guava.

Scientific Synonyms - Psidium cattleianum, Psidium littorale var. cattleianum.

Photograph provided by Forest & Kim Starr

Morus nigra
Pouteria sapota
Acrocomia aculeata
Livistona saribus
Eugenia uniflora